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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Using R for Multivariate Meta-analysis on Educational Psychology Data: A Method Study

Gamon Savatsomboon , Prasert Ruannakarn , Phamornpun Yurayat , Ong-art Chanprasitchai , Jibon Kumar Sharma Leihaothabam

Using R to conduct univariate meta-analyses is becoming common for publication. However, R can also conduct multivariate meta-analysis (MMA). However,.


Using R to conduct univariate meta-analyses is becoming common for publication. However, R can also conduct multivariate meta-analysis (MMA). However, newcomers to both R and MMA may find using R to conduct MMA daunting. Given that, R may not be easy for those unfamiliar with coding. Likewise, MMA is a topic of advanced statistics. Thus, it may be very challenging for most newcomers to conduct MMA using R. If this holds, this can be viewed as a practice gap. In other words, the practice gap is that researchers are not capable of using R to conduct MMA in practice. This is problematic. This paper alleviates this practice gap by illustrating how to use R (the metaSEM package) to conduct MMA on educational psychology data. Here, the metaSEM package is used to obtain the required MMA text outputs. However, the metaSEM package is not capable of producing the other required graphical outputs. As a result, the metafor package is also used as a complimentary to generate the required graphical outputs. Ultimately, we hope that our audience will be able to apply what they learn from this method paper to conduct MMA using R in their teaching, research, and publication.

Keywords: Educational psychology data, metaSEM package, multivariate meta-analysis, R, tutorial.

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