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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Social Network Site Usage among Adults: Social Networking Status and Virtual Loneliness

Zihniye Okray , Cemaliye Direktor , Anjelika Huseyinzade Simsek

This study examined the relationship between being members of social network sites (SNS) and the reasons for their use among individuals who are betwe.


This study examined the relationship between being members of social network sites (SNS) and the reasons for their use among individuals who are between 20-66 years of age. Social networking status and virtual loneliness are examined according to reasons for using SNS of participants. Researcher did a web-based questionnaire upon Facebook (FB) and reached a volunteer group of FB users and gave Social Networking Status Scale ( SNSS) and Virtual Loneliness Scale (VELS) in order to measure participants networking status and virtual loneliness according to socio-demographical variables. SNSS, gender, and age are the strongest predictors of virtual loneliness. Also, male participants, SNSS scores are significantly higher than female participants which indicates that male participants are more dependent on SNS. When time spent online increases individuals get convergence to usual habits in the virtual world. Individuals SNS usage habits effects their normal lives and make them escape to the virtual world.

Keywords: Adult, facebook, dependency, social networking, loneliness, status.

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