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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Effects of Psycho-educational Intervention on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Secondary School Students Exposed to Conflict in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

Valentine Ayo Mebu

Insurgency and armed conflict in Northern Nigeria especially Kano metropolis have exposed many secondary school students to trauma related experiences.


Insurgency and armed conflict in Northern Nigeria especially Kano metropolis have exposed many secondary school students to trauma related experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is estimated that about 13,000 persons have been killed and about 981,416 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are living in the various camps in Northern Nigeria (NEMA, 2015). The profound impact of the trauma experienced by these students on their mental health informed the need for the psycho-education intervention. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of psycho-educational intervention on PTSD symptoms among secondary school students exposed to conflict in Kano metropolis and to examine the effects of psycho-education intervention in reduction of re-experiencing, hyper-arousal and avoidance symptoms. A pre-test and post-test control group design was adopted for this study. A sample of 40 research participants (male=19, female=21) were selected for the study. These research participants were drawn from secondary schools clustered within the community where conflicts have taken place. The instrument for data collection was the adapted version of the University of California at Los Angeles post-traumatic stress Disorder Reaction Index  (UCLA PTSD Reaction Index). The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index measured PTSD symptoms. Result obtained after testing the hypotheses showed that there was a significant difference in the PTSD mean scores of students exposed to psychoeducational intervention (Mean= 22.40, Standard deviation = 4.47, Standard error = .998) and those not exposed to the intervention (Mean = 38.90, Standard deviation = 14.835, Standard error = 3.317), t (38) = -4.763, p < .0001 (two-tailed), Effect size is r = .61. It is important to provide professional and psychosocial support to students who developed mental health problems due to exposure to conflict.

Keywords: Posttraumatic stress disorder, re-experiencing symptoms, hyper-arousal symptoms, avoidance symptoms.

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