'Adolescents' Search Results
Cross-cultural Examination of Differences Regarding Eating Attitudes and Depression of International University Students
eating disorders depression african university students asian university students...
Globally increasing prevalence of eating disorders emphasizes the existence of eating psychopathologies across cultures. Investigating eating disorders and depression among emerging adults across ethnic/racial diversity is important regarding theory and interventions. Hence, examination of differences regarding eating attitudes and depression of international university students from Africa and Asia continents was aimed. “Eating Attitudes Test-26” (EAT-26) and “The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-Revised” (CESD-R) were used for data collection. Participants are 108 (84 Africans, 24 Asians) university students. Asian students’ and females’ EAT-26 scores were determined as higher. Regarding depression scores, %14,81 of the all participants (%8,3 of the African and %37,5 of the Asian students) were found above the pathological cut point. But no differences were detected between groups except ‘suicide ideas’. Disordered eating attitudes correlated positively with depressive tendencies and also with ‘sadness’, ‘tiredness’ and ‘suicide ideas’ besides compensating behaviors like ‘laxative diuretic usage’. Results demonstrated some practical and theoretical implications. As well as being consistent with cross-cultural findings regarding eating disorders, results seems consistent with the criteria and the related literature revealing co-existing symptoms of eating disorders, comorbidity between eating disorders and depression and also with Cognitive Theory.
Social Network Site Usage among Adults: Social Networking Status and Virtual Loneliness
adult facebook dependency social networking loneliness status...
This study examined the relationship between being members of social network sites (SNS) and the reasons for their use among individuals who are between 20-66 years of age. Social networking status and virtual loneliness are examined according to reasons for using SNS of participants. Researcher did a web-based questionnaire upon Facebook (FB) and reached a volunteer group of FB users and gave Social Networking Status Scale ( SNSS) and Virtual Loneliness Scale (VELS) in order to measure participants networking status and virtual loneliness according to socio-demographical variables. SNSS, gender, and age are the strongest predictors of virtual loneliness. Also, male participants, SNSS scores are significantly higher than female participants which indicates that male participants are more dependent on SNS. When time spent online increases individuals get convergence to usual habits in the virtual world. Individuals SNS usage habits effects their normal lives and make them escape to the virtual world.
The Predictive role of Cognitive Factors and Academic Self-efficacy on Academic Functioning of Children at Risk for Specific Learning Disabilities
academic self-efficacy children at risk for specific learning disabilities cognitive predictors academic functioning...
The goals of the study were to examine the predictive power of general cognitive ability, working memory, and self-efficacy in first grade for academic functioning of children at risk for learning disabilities in second grade. The study involved 82 children (age 6-7 years) from five local public elementary schools in middle-class neighborhoods in Jerusalem, including 41 children at risk for specific learning disabilities and 41 typically developing peers. In the first stage of the study, (performed at the end of first grade), general cognitive ability and working memory were assessed using subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (the subtests consisted of: Vocabulary and Block Design for general cognitive ability; Arithmetic and Digit Span for working memory). Academic self-efficacy was rated using a structural interview. At follow-up, academic functioning was assessed at the end of second grade. A serial-multiple mediation analysis revealed significant mediating roles for levels of performance in the Arithmetic subtest and for academic self-efficacy in predicting the academic functioning in second grade. The significance of the Arithmetic subtest, based on contemporary research on the structure of the intelligence was proposed. Educational implications call for sensitizing teachers to the unique role of academic self-efficacy in shaping trajectories of academic functioning development among children with RLD and in using effective strategies of promoting self-efficacy.
Validation of the Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Scale in a Zambian Context
emotional intelligence sseit cronbach’s alpha factor analysis principal components analysis...
This study aimed at determining and validating the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) in a Zambian context. It examined the feasibility of its use in this cultural context. Additionally, the study aimed at examining the reliability of the instrument when used in the same context. The participants were drawn from two cohorts (2016/2017 and 2017/2018 academic years) of first year students from the Department of Mathematic sand Science Education at the Copperbelt University in Zambia. One hundred and seven (25 females and 82 males) students from the 2016/2017 cohort and 138 (47 females and 91males) students from the 2017/2018 cohort participated in the study. The process of validating the instrument involved factor analysis. Using Principal Components Analysis (PCA), the Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis and Varimax methods for both cohorts, a four factor structure model of the SSEIT was reported. The instrument was reliable with a Cronbach coefficient of 0.79 in the 2016/2017 Cohort and 0.74 in the 2017/2018 Cohort. The study concluded that the SSEIT is a reliable and valid tool to measure the emotional intelligence of first year students from the Department of Mathematic sand Science Education at the Copperbelt University in Zambia.
Effects of Psycho-educational Intervention on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Secondary School Students Exposed to Conflict in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria
posttraumatic stress disorder re-experiencing symptoms hyper-arousal symptoms avoidance symptoms...
Insurgency and armed conflict in Northern Nigeria especially Kano metropolis have exposed many secondary school students to trauma related experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is estimated that about 13,000 persons have been killed and about 981,416 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are living in the various camps in Northern Nigeria (NEMA, 2015). The profound impact of the trauma experienced by these students on their mental health informed the need for the psycho-education intervention. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of psycho-educational intervention on PTSD symptoms among secondary school students exposed to conflict in Kano metropolis and to examine the effects of psycho-education intervention in reduction of re-experiencing, hyper-arousal and avoidance symptoms. A pre-test and post-test control group design was adopted for this study. A sample of 40 research participants (male=19, female=21) were selected for the study. These research participants were drawn from secondary schools clustered within the community where conflicts have taken place. The instrument for data collection was the adapted version of the University of California at Los Angeles post-traumatic stress Disorder Reaction Index (UCLA PTSD Reaction Index). The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index measured PTSD symptoms. Result obtained after testing the hypotheses showed that there was a significant difference in the PTSD mean scores of students exposed to psychoeducational intervention (Mean= 22.40, Standard deviation = 4.47, Standard error = .998) and those not exposed to the intervention (Mean = 38.90, Standard deviation = 14.835, Standard error = 3.317), t (38) = -4.763, p < .0001 (two-tailed), Effect size is r = .61. It is important to provide professional and psychosocial support to students who developed mental health problems due to exposure to conflict.
The issue of cybercrime and other anti-social activities is increasingly discussed today. The cause is an increasing number of individuals, companies or states exposed to these threats. This article deals with the issue of cyber aggression as one of the kinds of other anti-social activities. The article presents the results of researches in the Slovak Republic, but also the results of a survey at selected schools conducted by the Faculty of Safety Engineering of the University of Zilina. The main aim of the article is to point out the issue of cybercrime and other antisocial activities among adolescents and to point out the relationship between their education and vulnerability.
Interpersonal relationships: Cognitive appraisals, Emotions and Hope
interpersonal relationship attributions emotions hope cognitive appraisals...
This study examined teachers’ attributions and emotions for their subjectively perceived interpersonal relationships with their students as positive or negative, and whether hope (pathways thinking, agency thinking) influences the perceived positive or negative interpersonal relationships, the subsequent attributions and emotions, and the impact of attributions on emotions. Fifty teachers, of both genders, completed the questionnaire for each of their five students who were randomly selected from their teaching classes. The results revealed that the positive interpersonal relationships were predominately attributed to stable, personally controllable and self-student controllable factors, whereas the negative interpersonal relationships were primarily attributed to external, external controllable, unstable, and self-student controllable factors. Also, teachers reported positive emotions of high intensity (sympathy, cheerfulness, exciting, love, not anger, calmness) for the positive relationships, and negative emotions of moderate intensity (no enthusiasm, shame, anxiety, no excitement) for the negative relationships. Yet, the high hope teachers made adaptive attributional and emotional appraisals for the positive and, mainly, negative interpersonal relationships. Agency thinking, as compared to pathway thinking, was a better and worse formulator of the appraisals in negative and positive interpersonal relationships, respectively. Hope, additionally, had direct effect on the emotions, beyond that afforded by attributions, particularly in negative interpersonal relationships.
When Teachers Become Students: Impacts of Neuroscience Learning on Elementary Teachers’ Mindset Beliefs, Approach to Learning, Teaching Efficacy, and Grit
neuroscience learning teacher mindset beliefs teacher efficacy...
Previous research suggests that learning basic neuroscience constructs, especially about the malleability of the brain, impacts middle school and older students’ academic mindset, response to failure and academic persistence. This research targets teacher beliefs using a similar model. Teachers were taught introductory neuroscience concepts related to how the brain learns. Session topics included: basic neurodevelopment, neuroplasticity, sleep and the brain, stress and the brain, exercise and the brain, growth mindset, growth mindset feedback, self- control and grit. Results of this school level intervention suggest significant impacts on teachers’ mindset, teaching efficacy, teachers’ approach to learning and grit. In particular, teacher mindset beliefs significantly increased after the teachers were taught the concepts. Implications for schools and teacher preparation are discussed.
Cumulative Risk of Psychological Distress in College Students Effected by Hurricane Harvey
hurricane harvey college student stress depression...
This study examines the relationship between prior trauma and post disaster psychological distress in a sample of college students exposed to Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas in 2017. College students (n = 324) receive treatment for psychological problems at very low rates, so screening for the most vulnerable students after a disaster is important. While the relationship between prior trauma and post-disaster psychological distress is well established, the evidence for prior disaster exposure as a risk factor outside of other trauma is mixed. Prior trauma was divided into two cumulative risk style indicators: prior traumatic experiences (excluding disasters) and prior disaster exposure. In multiple linear regression models, prior traumatic experiences were significant predictors of post-disaster symptoms of both post-traumatic stress disorder and depression following the hurricane. Prior disaster exposures were not significant in either case. Implications for future screening and analysis of risk factors are discussed.
Can Being Victimized Verbally and Physically Predict Aggressive Verbal and Physical Behavior?: A Study on Omani Male and Female Middle School
family violence aggressive behavior school children oman structural equation modeling...
The aim of this study was to examine if perceived family violence of victimized children is related to their perceived aggressive behavior. It has been acknowledged that children learn and behave what they observe and practice including violence. A stratified random sample (N =1160) of Omani school students was drawn from grades 6 to 9. The study used perceived family violence and perceived aggressive behavior measures to collect data. CFA was performed to test the proposed factor structure as well as the structural model. The invariance test lent support to the hypothesis that the structure of constructs is invariant across gender. However, the relations between constructs were not invariant. Children (boys and girls) who expressed high verbal violence on them reported they were more verbally and physically aggressive. Boys, but not girls, who reported high physical violence on them reported they were more verbally and physically aggressive. The relation between perceived family violence and perceived aggressive behavior seem to be dependent on gender and types of family violence as well as the kind of children’s aggressive behavior.
Construct Validity and Diagnostic Utility of the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Clinical Clusters for Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preliminary Investigation
assessment attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cattell-horn-carroll...
The diagnostic utility of the Woodcock- Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Clinical Clusters was assessed in a sample of 52 children (26 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disordered (ADHD) and 26 matched controls). Multivariate analysis of variance followed by post-hoc testing and d-ratios yielded some statistically significant and clinically meaningful differences between groups on the Cognitive Fluency Cluster and the Tests of Auditory Attention, and Rapid Picture Naming. Discriminant function analyses indicated that the WJ III COG Tests collectively classified 80.77% of the sample correctly (76.92% of controls and 84.62% of children with ADHD correctly identified). The Auditory Attention and Rapid Picture Naming tests were found to make the most significant contribution overall to the discriminant function. Using a cut-score of 85, the WJ-III COG Clinical clusters and subtests examined in this study offered fair to weak diagnostic utility based on indices of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive power, as well as results of Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analyses. Implications for research and practice are outlined.
WeCARE Intervention Program: An Online Multilevel International Program for Promoting Well-Being and Resilience in the School Community during Unsettling Times
economic recession; psychological resilience; school networking; school well-being; web-based intervention program...
During the second decade of the 21st century families and schools world-wide have been affected by several critical events, with economic recession, the refugee crisis, and lately the COVID-19 pandemic being the most prominent. Pertaining to the school community (students, educators, administration, parents, school personnel etc.), evidence-based interventions for improving mental health and supporting psychosocial adjustment are necessary. In this paper the development, implementation, and evaluation of the international WeCARE (We Connect, Accept, Respect, Empower) program, an online multilevel intervention for promoting well-being and resilience in the school community during unsettling times, is presented. The Program has a multicultural perspective and provides the opportunity to students from different countries to cooperate and develop multicultural skills. The intervention is based on a conceptual model for enhancing positive development, resilience, social and emotional skills, and competence. The interventions were implemented on individual and system levels over four consecutive years, including web-based teachers’ training and supervision, seminars for parents, and classroom implementation. Furthermore, collaboration amongst schools and educational settings was highlighted, in the form of networking at national and international level. Based on the evaluation results, the necessity for further development and implementation of programs for the promotion of resilience and well-being during unsettling times is discussed.
School Improvement by Addressing Bullying: A Case Study in Greece
school improvement bullying school based program school community...
The main purpose of this study case is to investigate the contribution of the school community to the improvement of the school. In that context, a two-phase research was conducted. In the first phase, the self-evaluation process was implemented during the first year of the research with the participation of the school community. An overall picture of the school was created, with its strong and weak points reflected in the school's final self-evaluation report. Upon the completion of the school self-evaluation process the school community decided on the implementation of actions in order to reduce a number of dysfunctional behaviors, such as bullying incidents that occurred in the school on the part of some students. The school actions and the relevant results constituted the second phase of the research work. The results showed that some of the dysfunctional behaviors were found to be decreased to a statistically significant level after action was taken by the school community.
’MPower Shows Me Who I Want to Be’: A Qualitative Study of a Youth Purpose Program
adolescents goal setting mpower social support youth purpose...
Studies have documented widespread academic disengagement in middle and high school students. This disengagement has been tied to a myriad of negative outcomes, including failure to graduate from high school and transition into college and meaningful vocations. Supporting adolescents in cultivating a sense of beyond-the-self purpose is one factor that may combat student disengagement. MPower is a program designed to cultivate beyond-the-self purpose in an effort to promote student engagement and completion of high school (Klein et al., 2019). In a recent quantitative study, MPower participants compared to controls demonstrated a higher GPA, BTS purpose, self-efficacy, and decreased performance approach and performance avoidance goal orientations. In the current qualitative descriptive study, 11th and 12th grade (N=25) students in the Northeastern region of the United States, described their experiences in the MPower program. Three themes associated with the transformative aspects of MPower emerged from focus group data: 1) practice in strategic goal planning, 2) engagement in mentoring relationships, and 3) increased social support within a community. Because fostering youth purpose engenders many promotive and protective factors, these findings hold important implications for implementing similar programs more widely.
Assessing College Students’ Social and Emotional Strengths: A Cross-Cultural Comparison from Mexico, United States, and Spain
covitality higher education measurement invariance social emotional health survey...
Endeavors supporting college students’ positive psychosocial development are gaining attention and investment in various countries and social contexts. Higher education experiences provide new academic, social, and vocational advancement opportunities at a critical developmental stage. However, higher education can also cause distress due to the challenges and stressors present during this new stage of increased independence. The Social Emotional Health Survey-Higher Education (SEHS-HE) assesses the core psychosocial strengths of individuals transitioning from secondary schools into institutions of higher education (IHE) to aid campus student support services. The present study sought to extend the SEHS-HE research by examining its application with college student samples from Mexico (n = 4,207), United States (n = 1,638), and Spain (n = 1,734). Confirmatory factor analyses investigated the hypothesized SEHS-HE higher-order factor model. The Mexico sample returned an acceptable model fit, but the USA and Spain samples had a suboptimal fit; hence, we explored alternative models. A two-level structure had full invariance for all three samples. This study extends the current scholarship on the conceptual model and psychometric properties of SEHS-HE. The discussion focuses on implications for future research to enhance SEHS-HE in national and cross-national research and practice.
COREAT: Developing a Mobile Application to Assess the Severity of Repetitive Behavior in Autism
autism spectrum disorder coreat mobile applications in subject areas rbs-r repetitive behaviour...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by difficulties in communication and repetitive behaviors. The early detection of ASD is a clinical priority in education centres and medical services. COREAT is a computer adaptation of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R) which has been designed to facilitate the diagnosis of individuals with ASD and intellectual disability. This article describes the development, an initial evaluation of the feasibility and the preliminary outcomes of COREAT. The development of COREAT consists of two phases. Phase 1: Performing a prior analysis of the psychometric properties of the RBS-R scale. Phase 2: Developing the mobile application (pilot tests, testing real cases n = 11, and final feedback). Descriptive data of the pilot study shows that 91.31% of participants indicate that COREAT is very accessible and intuitive. COREAT proves to be a useful diagnostic resource for professionals and families. Cross-cultural differences must be analysed.
Adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Internet Addiction in College Students: Prevalence and Differential Associations
adhd college students internet activities internet addiction...
This paper presents an investigation that aims to: 1) explore the relations between core symptoms of adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and several typical Internet activities, and 2) compare the predictive power of two core symptoms of ADHD- inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity- in predicting Internet addiction. Methods: A total of 2016 Chinese college students participated in this study. The ADHD symptoms were assessed using Conners self-rating scales and DSM-5 semi-structured interviews. Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (SCID-5) was used to exclude other psychiatric disorders. Chen’s Internet addiction scale (CIAS) was used to evaluate Internet addiction. Information about Internet activities (e.g., online gaming) was collected through a self-constructed questionnaire. Results: The ratio of Internet addiction problems among individuals with ADHD symptoms is significantly higher than in ordinary individuals (48.9% vs. 14.3%). Further, each core ADHD symptom has unique relations with different types of Internet activities. Specifically, both core ADHD symptoms are negatively associated with information downloading and online learning, and positively associated with online gaming, while online shopping is only associated with hyperactivity/impulsivity. Furthermore, both core ADHD symptoms are significant predictors of Internet addiction, especially inattention. Conclusion: College students with ADHD symptoms are at a higher risk of having Internet addiction than peers without ADHD symptoms. For individuals with ADHD symptoms and excessive online gaming and/or online shopping behaviors, the probability of having Internet addiction is even higher. These findings have important implications for identifying risk factors of Internet addiction and preventing Internet addiction in Higher Education settings.
Character Education Based on Reflective Pedagogical Paradigm and Its Effect on Conscience and Compassion of Students
character reflective conscience compassion...
This research is motivated by the high level of imitation of adolescents on the negative behavior of adults, in addition to the high concern of educators on the failure of character education in schools. As many as 40% of adolescents have been bullied at school and 32% reported being victims of physical violence indicating high levels of juvenile violence, bullying, and lack of empathy. So schools need to strengthen their conscience and compassion to deal with this. The study aims to investigate the effect of character education management with a reflective pedagogical paradigm on conscience and compassion. This study was conducted with a quantitative experimental method with a quasi-experimental type. Data collection instruments both questionaries and documentation are used as instruments to collect the data. Hypothesis testing is done through multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) because the dependent variable is more than one. The results of this study prove that based the MANOVA test, the study revealed that there was a significant and positive influence between character education and the reflective pedagogical paradigm on the conscience of students 71.5%, and compassion of students 69.1%. It turns out that aspects of students' conscience and affection can be influenced by character education with a reflective pedagogical paradigm. This shows that schools need to manage their character education system with a reflective pedagogic paradigm so that students feel changes in attitudes and behavior due to the involvement of all school members in strengthening and sharpening character education.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Students from a Large Online Class
covid-19 impact educational program disparity ethnic disparity gender disparity higher education...
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has affected people in multiple dimensions. In addition to the social, physical health, financial, and mental health impacts of the pandemic, many United States (U.S.) college students experienced an abrupt transition to online learning in Spring 2020, resulting in a significant disruption to their learning and life. In this study, we examined COVID-19 impacts as reported by college students enrolled in an online class in Spring 2020 via an extra-credit survey. Participants reported predominantly negative impacts, but positive impacts were also reported. A total of 61 aspects of impact were identified reflecting six major themes: academic, housing and travel related, physical health-related, financial and work-related, social life, and mental health related impacts. We found that females reported significantly more overall negative impacts and significantly more academic and housing/travel related impacts than males. Black students reported significantly fewer positive impacts compared to non-Black students in the sample. Asian students reported significantly more academic impacts than White students. In addition, participants in the fully online degree program had significantly fewer overall impacts and significantly fewer academic impacts than those in the residential degree program. Implications of the findings were discussed.
Despite the desirability of working in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), Black and Latinx people are underrepresented in these fields. Sustaining engagement in STEM is central to addressing the representation gap. This qualitative study examined whether and how a STEM-based after-school program (Changemakers) impacted students’ sense of engagement in STEM. Changemakers incorporates the basic tenets of STEM engagement and a purpose curriculum to increase students' sense of engagement. Purpose is an aspiration towards future-oriented goals, active engagement with one’s goals, and intention to contribute to the world. The sample was composed of students, ages 15-17 years old (N=10, 5=M; 5=F), from a public, low-income high school. Findings suggested that three elements helped engage participants with STEM material: challenging and novel curriculum, experiential learning, and supportive relationships. These findings underscore additional STEM programs can enhance their student’s learning and connection to the field by ensuring that their program encapsulates these identified components.