What Keeps Older Adults Happy?: A Systematic Review of Subjective Well Being
Subjective well-being is a form of self-evaluation of life by referring to cognitive and affective aspects. This systematic review analyzes 13 interna.
- Pub. date: December 15, 2024
- Pages: 225-232
- 0 Citations
Subjective well-being is a form of self-evaluation of life by referring to cognitive and affective aspects. This systematic review analyzes 13 international journals on factors that influence subjective well-being in the older adults. The review planning uses the SPIDER formulation, namely Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, Design, Evaluation, Research Type. The results of this review analysis show the elderly can feel the meaning and satisfaction of life, spread positive things, and tend to get a sense of security and happiness. Based on the results of the systematic review analysis, it shows that there are various factors that influence subjective well-being in the elderly. Several factors that can influence subjective well-being in terms of demographics, social activities, physiological factors, and psychological factors. Among them are volunteer activities, economic income, family support, participation in various activities both social and religious, education, physical health, income satisfaction, spirituality and religiosity, positive experiences and emotions, sleep quality, self-efficacy, and internet use. These results can be a reference and recommendation for conducting further and more specific research on subjective well-being factors in the older adults.
Keywords: Subjective well-being, happiness, older adults.
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