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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Validating the Learned Helplessness Questionnaire: Examining Factor Structure, Social Desirability Bias, and Demographic Differences in an American Sample

Donald Glen Patterson

This study aimed to validate the Learned Helplessness Questionnaire (LHQ), originally developed in Italy, for use in an American context. It examined .


This study aimed to validate the Learned Helplessness Questionnaire (LHQ), originally developed in Italy, for use in an American context. It examined the LHQ's factor structure, social desirability bias, the relationship between learned helplessness and mastery orientation, and demographic differences in these constructs. Data from 100 adults were collected via an online survey. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the two-factor structure of the LHQ (learned helplessness and mastery orientation), with acceptable fit indices after minor modification. Internal consistency was deemed to be acceptable for both factors. Social desirability bias analysis indicated significant correlations with both constructs, suggesting that participants may have overreported mastery orientation and underreported learned helplessness. A significant negative correlation was found between the two constructs, with participants generally reporting higher levels of mastery orientation. No significant differences were observed across gender or age groups. These findings contribute to the cross-cultural validation of the LHQ, highlighting the importance of social desirability bias in self-reported measures and suggesting potential areas for refinement.

Keywords: Learned helplessness, mastery orientation, motivation, scale validation, social desirability bias.

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