' questionnaires' Search Results
Food Cravings, Nutritional Status and Physical Activity in Patients with Major Depression in Turkey
major depression food cravings nutritional status physical activity level eating patterns...
Our goal was to determine food cravings, nutritional status and physical activity of patients diagnosed with major depression. The study was conducted on 203 (144 women, 59 men) patients, aged 20-64 years, who were diagnosed with major depression at three psychiatry centers. Anthropometric measurements, demographic data, current health status, depression duration, drug use, eating habits, food craving status (Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait/FCQ-T), food consumption frequency, energy and nutrient intake and physical activity level (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form/IPAQ) were evaluated. Depression duration, the frequency of antidepressant use and FCQ-T scores were higher in females than males. We found a positive correlation between FCQ-T score with the frequency of antidepressant use, depression duration and eating speed (p < 0.05). Also, depression duration was negatively correlated with folate, vitamin B6, vitamin C and zinc (p < 0.05). Lastly, depression duration and FCQ-T were positively correlated with body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, body fat (%) and fat tissue (kg) (p< 0.05). In addition, physical activity is a very important statement for FCQ-T scores. Both men and women, the risk of FCQ-T score who exercised for <600 Met-min/week were greater relative to that of those who exercised for ≥3000 Met-min/week. The results of this study showed that an inverse correlation between a number of nutrients intake and depression duration, antidepressant use or FCQ-T scores. It also emphasizes the beneficial effects of habitual exercise participation on food cravings. Future research exploring the nutritional status of individuals with depression is warranted.
Motivation, Temperament, Personality and Well-Being as Predicting Propensity Factors for Mathematical Abilities of Adults
mathematics motivation temperament personality well-being...
The role of motivation, temperament, personality and well-being as predicting propensity factors for mathematical abilities was investigated in 30 adults. By embedding these predictors in the Opportunity-Propensity framework, this study aimed to reveal their unique contribution in math development, which is important to improve mathematics education. To our knowledge, the present study is the first to combine predictors and find evidence for the importance of some non-cognitive and socio-emotional propensity factors for mathematical performance by using primary data. Results indicated significant interrelations between the propensities, pleading to integrate them in math research. Furthermore, the relationship propensities and mathematics was dependent on the specific investigated math task, which is in line with the componential nature of mathematics. Negative Affect was the best prediction of accuracy (lower levels of subjective well-being associated with lower levels of mathematical accuracy) whereas Intrinsic Motivation was the best predictor for fact retrieval speed. Limitations and implications for future research are described.
Construct Validity and Diagnostic Utility of the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Clinical Clusters for Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preliminary Investigation
assessment attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cattell-horn-carroll...
The diagnostic utility of the Woodcock- Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Clinical Clusters was assessed in a sample of 52 children (26 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disordered (ADHD) and 26 matched controls). Multivariate analysis of variance followed by post-hoc testing and d-ratios yielded some statistically significant and clinically meaningful differences between groups on the Cognitive Fluency Cluster and the Tests of Auditory Attention, and Rapid Picture Naming. Discriminant function analyses indicated that the WJ III COG Tests collectively classified 80.77% of the sample correctly (76.92% of controls and 84.62% of children with ADHD correctly identified). The Auditory Attention and Rapid Picture Naming tests were found to make the most significant contribution overall to the discriminant function. Using a cut-score of 85, the WJ-III COG Clinical clusters and subtests examined in this study offered fair to weak diagnostic utility based on indices of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive power, as well as results of Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analyses. Implications for research and practice are outlined.
Content Validity of a Questionnaire to Assess Parental Involvement in Education
content validity educational psychology parental involvement...
The objective of this study was to design an instrument to evaluate parental involvement in the education of their children, and, subsequently, to investigate the content validity of that instrument. The questions on the questionnaire have been written according to the dimensions that shape the construct of parental participation: parenting, learning supervision, communication, parental networks, and relationships with the community. Further, for the study of content validity, expert judgment has been used, and the Aiken V coefficient has been estimated. The results indicate a wide degree of agreement among the judges, showing evidence of content validity regarding the criteria of clarity, relevance, and sufficiency of the questions with Aiken V values that ranged between 0.73 and 1, with confidence intervals of 99 %. It was concluded that the instrument can be used successfully in the evaluation of parental involvement in education.
Minimizing Social Desirability in Questionnaires of Non-Cognitive Measurements
academic dishonesty item bias questionnaires social desirability...
Data obtained through questionnaires sometimes respond to the items presented by social norms, so sometimes they do not suit themselves. High social desirability (SD) in non-cognitive measurements will cause item bias. Several ways are used to reduce item bias, including freeing respondents from not writing their names or being anonymous, explaining to the participants to respond to each statement honestly, as they are or according to themselves, and responding to the questionnaire online or offline. This research aims to prove that several methods can minimize the possibility of item bias SD and academic dishonesty (AD). The research was carried out with an experimental study using a factorial design. There were 309 respondents who were willing to be involved in this research. Data analysis was carried out using multivariate ANOVA. The research results show differences for all variables, Self-Deceptive Enhancement (SDE), Impression Management (IM), and AD in the anonymous group. There are differences in AD in the groups that provide a complete explanation and do not explain, and there is an interaction between the average AD based on the anonymous and explanation group.