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Research Article

Ηow Teachers’ Instructional and Behavior Management Practices Relate to Students’ Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties Following Teachers’ Observations and Performance Feedback: An Initial Study of Greek Classrooms

Maria S. Poulou , Linda A. Reddy , Christopher M. Dudek , Adam J. Lekwa

Addressing and managing the disruptive behavior of students is a major classroom management concern for teachers. These concerns become even more impo.


Addressing and managing the disruptive behavior of students is a major classroom management concern for teachers. These concerns become even more important when, in addition to normal classroom disruptions, teachers must also address the behaviors of students’ at risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. Although ample bodies of evidence-based instructional and behavior management practices exist, teachers have expressed difficulties implementing these practices into their daily classroom praxis. One method for supporting teachers’ practice implementation is through ongoing classroom observations that measure classroom practices and yield data to support direct implementation feedback to teachers. The current study investigated relations between observational assessment of instructional and behavior management practices and students’ emotional and behavior risk as part of a brief observation and feedback process. We also examined how brief teacher performance feedback may change the relationships between teacher practices and student emotional and behavioral risk. Participants included 31 Greek elementary school teachers who were observed with the Classroom Strategies Assessment System (CSAS) by their school administrators for three-30 minutes observations and received brief performance feedback following each observation period. Following the third observation period, teachers also completed the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) Teacher Form for 115 students. Multilevel analyses revealed that assessment of instructional and behavior management strategies were significantly associated with student risk for emotional and behavior difficulties prior to feedback, but nonsignificant findings were found following brief performance feedback. Results illustrate a shift in the relationships between observer ratings of teachers’ instructional and behavior management practices and teacher ratings of student emotional and behavioral risk following brief performance feedback. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Keywords: Instructional and behavior management practices, teachers’ performance, emotional and behavioral difficulties.

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