Research Article
The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Study

Abdelouahed Bouih , Driss Benattabou, Bendaoud Nadif, Mohamed Benhima, Ismail Benfilali

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Bouih A, Benattabou D, Nadif B, Benhima M, Benfilali I. The rosenberg self-esteem scale: a confirmatory factor analysis study. European J Psychol E. 2022;5(2):143-160. doi: 10.12973/ejper.5.2.143
Bouih, A., Benattabou, D., Nadif, B., Benhima, M., & Benfilali, I. (2022). The rosenberg self-esteem scale: a confirmatory factor analysis study. European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 5(2), 143-160.
Bouih Abdelouahed, Driss Benattabou, Bendaoud Nadif, Mohamed Benhima, and Ismail Benfilali. "The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Study," European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research 5, no. 2 (2022): 143-160.
Bouih, A Benattabou, D Nadif, B Benhima, M & Benfilali, 2022, 'The rosenberg self-esteem scale: a confirmatory factor analysis study', European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 143-160. Bouih, Abdelouahed et al. "The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Study." European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022, pp. 143-160,


The aim of the present study is to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES) as part of the study of affective variables using a sample of English as a foreign language (EFL) university students in Morocco. Two hundred and six (N = 206) participants of undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels completed the self-esteem (SE) questionnaire. Using classical methods of factor extraction before employing more robust techniques comprising minimum average partial (MAP) and parallel analysis (PA) to perform preliminary factor analysis (FA) using principal axis factoring (PAF), results conclusively and parsimoniously yielded a one-factor solution with acceptable construct reliability (Composite Reliability). CFA results, including goodness-of-fit indexes, confirmed that the one-factor model was better fitting compared to its competing independent two-factor counterpart, but marginally less so compared to the correlated version of the latter. Two out of the three constructed models showed good fit indexes, thus demonstrating the conformity of two measurement models with their respective hypothesized structural models. Furthermore, using the heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio, both two-factor models showed acceptable discriminant validity. The obtained results further corroborate both the one-factor and two-factor solutions reported in previous works for which we present new evidence from a Moroccan EFL context.

Keywords: Factor analysis, RSES, self-esteem, validity.


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